NavGraha Shanti - Gomay Vedic Dhoop

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90.00 MRP ₹150.00
In stock : 100 available

NavGraha Shanti Gomay Dhoop - NavGraha Samidha as offerings to NavGraha or the Nine Planets per Indian Astrology & Vedic Wisdom.

We have created a Samidha from Yajurveda with all the Vanaspatis offered to please the NavGrahas since ancient times with a strong preference for these Vanaspatis.

If you are a follower of Indian Astrology and are looking to regularly commit to the traditional Pooja & worship of NavGrahas, this Dhoop Samidha will prove valuable as per Yajurvedic references. People going through Saade-saati can also purchase this as offerings to NavGrahas in order to get their support.

Surya ➨ Madar-Rui,
Chandrama ➨ Palash,
Mangal ➨ Khair,
Budh ➨ Chidchida-Apamarg,
Brihaspati ➨ Pipal,
Shukra ➨ Gular-Umbar,
Shani ➨ Shami,
Rahu ➨ Durva,
Ketu ➨ Kushaa
& Pancha Gavya of Cowdung, Gomutra, Vedic Ghee, Vedic Buttermilk & Milk

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